
  • Antiques
  • Household items
  • Art, Fine Art, Paintings, silver, glass,       sculptures, crystal
  • Collections & Memorabilia
  • Americana
  • Specialized equipment/machinery
  • Furniture
  • Business assets- machinery,            equipment and more
  • Heavy metal (yellow metal)


  • Estates
  • Divorce
  • Insurance
  • Asset based lending (Banks)
  • Taxes & Charitable donations (IRS 8283)
  • Claims
  • Buy/sell
  • Collections/cataloging


  • Attorneys
  • Home owners  
  • Insurance companies
  • Banks & Lending  institutions
  • Small businesses
  • Public and Private Adjusters
  • Historical Societies & Museums
  • Finance & CPA professionals
  • Independent & Assisted Living facilities
  • Skilled Nursing/Senior facilities
  • Caregiving companies


Attorneys & Insurance Companies 

Coordination of non-legal matters specifically for Attorneys and Insurance companies.

A one-stop-shop for coordinating the many tasks that burden you. 

We are experienced experts in New England that provides confidential and personalized assistance services related to estate planning or settlement related tasks. 

We help you expedite the process by performing a personal property inventory and related appraisals; identification, collection, organization, and execution of critical meetings (of third party professionals and tradesmen) and preparing property for sale. As a result, you are able to settle faster.

Faster settlements + Improved Productivity = Greater Client Satisfaction.  

Inventory Services for residences and businesses:

  • Room by room detailed inventory of contents (we do not inventory stock items for businesses, stores, shops or warehouses)
  • Replacement Value, Market Value, Actual Cost Value, Salvage Value, Forced Liquidation or combination
  • Before and after damage values (Replacement Value, Market Value, Salvage Value)
  • Photographs of all property
  • Spreadsheet format for easy manipulation
  • CD ROM or flash drive with all pictures and report written to strict guidelines set by USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice)

Coordination and/or referral of non-legal matters (3rd party referrals): 

  • Coordination and management of third- party professionals
  • Coordination of packing, unpacking & moving (through a 3rd party)  
  • Coordination of estate sal(through a 3rd party)  
  • Coordination of selling house (through a 3rd party)
  • Estate Planning preparation & Estate Settlement assistance (through a 3rd party)  
  • IRS Form 8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions

We have performed over 700 inventory & appraisals. We pride ourselves in being the best service you'll need.

Call Peter Yvanovich today (978) 807-0589

Visit our new partner Maxsold by clicking on the logo. Make sure you use Promo Code PY0589 to get $100 off service fees!